Case Study
July 3, 2024

Case studies - Enterprise

Independent Ophthalmologist

Original Enquiry:

To implement Zedmed and allow images from Zeiss IOL Master,Heidelberg OCT, Optos Silverstone to be automatically uploaded directly to Xestro.

Customer Pain Points
  • Frustration with duplicating manual input of patient details in each deviceand the consequent errors
  • No way to merge patients in an interface when  entered incorrectly
  • Images could not be viewed off location
  • Manually placing lateral images side by side
  • Connecting with other clinicians required sorting and exporting images
  • Connecting with other clinicians required sorting and exporting images
Pliny's Solution:

Automated Workflow allowed this practice:

  • Their Clinical FOH staff to enter patient demographics once into their PMS
  • Pliny pushes patient details from PMS to every device automatically withworklists, then pushes reports back into our customers PMS - every time,automatically
  • Clinicians could select patient directly on each devices worklist,completely eliminating the need to re-enter patient data
With Pliny Software:
  • All images, reports and data are aggregated into a single interface automatically
  • Batch and send images/ reports from Pliny and send directly to any emailaddress in a single click
  • Merge patient ID's, Edit patient details - in one place without the need forchanging them anywhere else
  • View clinical images in real time in the cloud, from anywhere in the world.
  • Single click progression view over time

Implementing Pliny has significantly enhanced our operational efficiency, leading to substantial time and cost savings. Here's a detailed analysis of how Pliny contributes to our efficiency:

Expense Reduction with Pliny

1. Time Savings for Clinicians

- Clinicians save 2-5 minutes per patient: Each optometrist (Optom) benefits from these time savings. With 70-90 Optoms seeing 7-10 patients daily, the cumulative time saved is considerable.

- USB Drive Management: Pliny saves 10 minutes per day per store by eliminating the need for managing USB drives.

Quantified ROI

The time savings directly translate into increased revenue by enabling additional patient appointments:

  1. Additional Revenue
    • $500,000 per annum: This increase in revenue is due to the additional appointments made possible by the time saved per patient.
    • Monthly Sales Improvement: The 2-5 minutes saved per patient results in a 1% improvement in monthly sales. For our 60 stores, this equates to an additional $800 per month per store.
  2. Total Additional Revenue:
    • $576,000 per annum: By multiplying the additional $800 monthly revenue by our 60 stores, we achieve an annual additional revenue of $576,000.
Compliance and Risk

Pliny enhances our compliance and risk management processes, contributing to better operational integrity and reduced costs.

Expense Reduction with Pliny
  1. Higher Quality Images and Better Formats:
    • Pliny ensures higher quality images and better formats, improving the accuracy of record retention and overall patient care.
  1. Accurate Record Retention:
    • Improved record retention processes ensure compliance with regulatory standards, reducing the risk of errors and associated costs.
  2. Elimination of USB Drives:
    • By replacing USB drives in 25 stores with Pliny, we save on the cost of USB drives, which are replaced every 2 years at $200 each.
Quantified ROI

While some benefits are not yet fully quantified, the known cost savings are significant:

  1. Cost Savings
    • $5,000 every 2 years: By eliminating USB drives in 25 stores, we save $200 per drive, totaling $5,000 every 2 years.

Pliny offers significant savings in storage-related expenses by improving our file management and backup processes.

Expense Reduction with Pliny
  1. Reduce Restoration Time:
    • 2 Tickets per annum for restoration: Each restoration previously required 7 days offline.
    • Cost Efficiency: Pliny is 1/6 the cost of Optomate Cloud File.
    • Backup Requirements: Annual savings of $5,000 on backup requirements.
    • Missing Files: 3-5 tickets per year for missing files, each costing $5,000.
Quantified ROI

The savings from improved storage management are substantial

  1. Lost Productivity:
    • 14 days of lost productivity saved annually: This translates into significant cost savings.
  2. Total Savings:
    • $40,000 per annum: Savings from reduced lost productivity.
    • $5,000 per annum: Savings on backup requirements.
    • $25,000 per annum: Savings from addressing missing file issues.
Disaster Recovery

Pliny enhances our disaster recovery capabilities, ensuring data integrity and reducing associated costs.

Expense Reduction with Pliny
  1. Testing Integrity:
    • Expense to test data integrity is reduced.
  2. Implementation Costs:
    • Expense to implement disaster recovery measures is minimized
  3. Database Sync:
    • Expense to match Optomate Database sync is reduced.
  4. Eliminating Optomate Drive:
    • Removing the Optomate drive saves $20,000 per annum.
Quantified ROI

The total annual savings from improved disaster recovery measures are significant:

  1. Total Savings
    • $40,000 per annum: These savings come from reduced expenses in testing, implementation, and database synchronization, as well as the elimination of the Optomate drive


Implementing Pliny has not only improved our efficiency and increased our revenue but also enhanced our compliance, risk management, storage, and disaster recovery processes. The quantifiable savings and additional revenue generated demonstrate a clear and compelling ROI, reinforcing Pliny's value as an essential tool for our clinics.

Pliny is the cure to diagnostic silos.

Independent Ophthalmologist

Independent Ophthalmologist

Independent Ophthalmologist

Independent Ophthalmologist